efscopy is a binary tool that you can use to clone your disk image quickly.
________________________________________________________________________ | | | Copyright (C) 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc. | | All Rights Reserved. | | | | UNPUBLISHED -- Rights reserved under the copyright laws of the | | United States. Use of a copyright notice is precautionary only and | | does not imply publication or disclosure. | | | | THIS DOCUMENTATION CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | | OF SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. ANY DUPLICATION, MODIFICATION, | | DISTRIBUTION, OR DISCLOSURE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR | | EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. | | | | U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND | | Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to | | restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227.19(c)(2) or | | subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and | | Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or in similar or | | successor clauses in the FAR, or the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. | | Unpublished-- rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United | | States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, Inc., | | 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039-7311. | |______________________________________________________________________|
* End-user uses: It's a fast, easy, and reliable method to restore the exact same bits on your disk drive. * Manufacturing uses: It's a reliable disk duplication and turnkey system production process to have the identical disk image on all units to be shipped. * System test/debugging uses: It provides quick restoration of a "unit under test" to original system state prior to execution of your test suites. * Tradeshows/conference lab/training session setups: It provides rapid duplication and distribution of data from a "master disk" to provide consistency across machines in a tradeshow or lab environment. * Because it is fast. efscopy is faster than the partition to partition copy of "sash cp" (which is described in the "Advanced Site and Server Guide"). You can restore an efscopy'ed image file onto multiple target devices simultaneously, such as "efscopy file target1 target2 ..." and "sash cp" cannot.
In particular, "sash cp" in the Command Monitor cannot do what efscopy does nor as fast. * fast (approx. = less than 1 minute per 100MB) * reliable * easy to use, i.e. very few arguments to efscopy * independent of disk drive geometry. efscopy copies only the "used" bits. A 400MB populated image on a 1GB capacity drive can be efscopy'ed onto a 400+ MB efscopy file, then restored onto a 500MB capacity disk drive.
* efscopy copies an entire disk onto a special efs (Extent File System) file on your SGI workstation. We will call this an "efscopy file." - copy an option disk to an efscopy file - copy a system disk that is mounted as an option disk. * efscopy restores the efscopy file onto any geometry disk. - restore from local efscopy file to option disk - restore from a NFS-mounted copy to an option disk.
efscopy does not * Copy Silicon Graphics XFS filesystem images (An xfscopy version is being considered for implementation) * Repartition your disk drive * Change any information in the volume header
* efscopy executable, which is a: ELF 32-bit MSB dynamic executable (not stripped) MIPS - version 1 * Enough disk space to create the efs file. Generally about 3% more disk space for the efscopy file than what is shown from a "df -k" display of the kilobytes "use". For example, % df -k /disk2 ...shows: Filesystem Type kbytes use avail %use Mounted on /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 efs 410002 210611 199391 51% /disk2 ...you will need another 222135634 bytes (approx = 210611 * 1024 * 1.03 ) to contain the efscopy file for the entire /disk2 filesystem. * You will need root privileges on your machine to restore an efscopy file onto a disk. * Use of efscopy requires some knowledge of disk filesystems and partitions. You should be familiar with these terms, or read the listed references. Filesystem - man fs(4), efs - man mkfs(1) Special Files or Device Names - man intro(7) Disk Partition - man root(7), dks, fx
usage: efscopy [-v] fromdev|fromfile todev [todev ...] or: efscopy [-v] fromdev|fromfile tofile Refer to the man page on the use of /dev/dsk device names "man intro(7) - introduction to special files".
Copy the efscopy executable from the Developer Toolbox directory onto your /sbin directory. The placement in this directory is a suggestion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Copying Option Disk to an efscopy File ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage Notes: End User - make a copy of one of your disks. Manufacturing - make a master copy of the option disk. Disk Drive Depiction: TARGET FILE SOURCE DEVICE +--------+ +--------+ |scsi 0,1| |scsi 0,2| +--------+ +--------+ IRIX runs here * unmounted * /sbin/efscopy * efscopy file <-------- /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 Prerequisites: * efscopy will copy from a Source Device to a Target File. * You need write permissions to the Target File directory, it is best that you are "root". * The Source Device must be unmounted, so no programs can be running on that filesystem (Source Device) or any shell currently accessing it. * In this example, we have a system disk and an option disk. System disk is running IRIX OS Option disk is /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 mounted on /d2 as shown in the following example. A "df -k" shows: Filesystem Type kbytes use avail %use Mounted on /dev/root efs 20027 11706 8321 58% / /dev/usr efs 954324 30870 923454 8% /usr /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 efs 961845 272371 689494 28% /d2 Notes on Partition: fx(1), dksc(7), prtvtoc(1), dvhtool(1) The standard partition allocation by Silicon Graphics has root on partition 0, swap on partition 1, and /usr on partition 6. This partitioning is also called "rootusrdrive". There is also partitioning formats of "rootdrive" and "optiondrive". Please note the differences of these formats in how they are mapped to device names of the form /dev/dsk/dks.d.s. * You have verified that there is enough free space available on your Target directory. In this example, that is an extra 287275141 bytes on the /usr filesystem (272371 * 1024 * 1.03). Steps: 1. <su> You need it for the umount. 2. umount /d2 : If you encounter "device busy", make sure no : access to this filesystem is still active. : Try the -k kill option if necessary: : "umount -k /d2" or try "fuser(1)" 3. % efscopy -v /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 /usr/d2.efscopy : Note that there is only one option to efscopy, : which is -v for verbose mode. Use it. : Using another other - option will get you a plain : usage description as: % efscopy -h Illegal option -- h usage: efscopy [-v] fromdev|fromfile todev ... or: efscopy [-v] fromdev|fromfile tofile : Note the use of rdsk or the character device : name instead of dsk the block device name. : efscopy is more efficient in character form. 4. ...expect to see... reading 9999 nodes..10%..20%...90%..done writing 99999 nodes..10%..20%...90%..done lastalloc/maximum=99999 block delta -1
----------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Copying a System Disk That Is Mounted as an Option Disk ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage Notes: * Manufacturing - make a master copy of the system disk. * System Test - make a copy of the system disk before running your test suites. * Tradeshow - make a copy of the master system disk, for distribution to each machine. Disk Drive Connection and Mount: * This scenario is for making an efscopy file of a system (root formatted) drive. Because an efscopy Source Device has to be unmounted, you cannot make an efscopy file of the system drive that is running your machine. * You will need: - For the system disk that you want to make an efscopy, remove it from its drive bay. Call this the "master" disk. - An SGI system with its own system disk that contains the efscopy executable and enough disk space to hold the efscopy file. Let say this is an Indy and its second drive bay is empty...for you to connect the "master" disk. Here is the picture: =======================< | +--------+ | I |scsi 0,1| | N +--------+ | D ------------< | Y +--------+ "master" | <==== |scsi 0,2| System Disk | +--------+ =======================< 1. You have in your hand the "master" system disk. 2. Configure the disk drive to be Scsi Controller 0, Unit 2. The instructions to do this are dependent on the disk drive manufacturer. 3. Power off the Indy system that you will use. 4. Plug data pin and power connectors of the disk drive into the spare/empty disk bay of the Indy. 5. Power on...when the following message appears, "Starting up the System", press Escape to get to the Prom Menu. 6. Select option 5, Command Monitor, and type hinv to verify that you have SCSI 0, unit 1, and unit 2. 7. If yes, exit Command Monitor, and start the system. 8. Once the system is up, open up a shell and type "df -k: Unless your /etc/fstab already contains an entry for drive unit 2, then df will not show it as mounted. 9. Since Unit 2 will be the Source Device in this example you will not need to mount it, but if you do, then: % su # mount -v -t efs -o 'rw,raw=/dev/rdsk/dks0d2s0 0 0' \ /dev/dsk/dks0d2s0 /d2 ** Now the following steps are the same as Step A, except for the use of partition 0 in /dev/dsk/dks0d2s0 Disk Drive Depiction: TARGET FILE SOURCE DEVICE +--------+ +--------+ |scsi 0,1| |scsi 0,2| +--------+ +--------+ IRIX runs here * unmounted * /sbin/efscopy * efscopy file <-------- /dev/dsk/dks0d2s0 Prerequisites: * efscopy will copy from a Source Device to a Target File. * You need write permissions to the Target File directory, it is best that you are "root". * The Source Device must be unmounted, so no programs can be running on that filesystem (Source Device) or any shell currently accessing it. * In this example, we have a system disk and an option disk. System disk is running IRIX OS Option disk is /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s0 mounted on /d2 A "df -k" shows: Filesystem Type kbytes use avail %use Mounted on /dev/root efs 20027 11706 8321 58% / /dev/usr efs 954324 30870 923454 8% /usr /dev/dsk/dks0d2s0 efs 961845 272371 689494 28% /d2 * You have verified that there is enough free space available on your Target directory. In this example, that is an extra 287275141 bytes on the /usr filesystem. Steps: 1. <su> You need it for the umount. 2. umount /d2 : If you encounter "device busy", make sure no : access to this filesystem is still active. : Try the -k kill option if necessary: : "umount -k /d2" or try "fuser(1)" 3. % efscopy -v /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s0 /usr/d2.efscopy : Note that there is only one option to efscopy, : which is -v for verbose mode. Use it. : Using another other - option will get you a plain : usage description as: % efscopy -h Illegal option -- h usage: efscopy [-v] fromdev|fromfile todev ... or: efscopy [-v] fromdev|fromfile tofile : Note the use of rdsk or the character device : name instead of dsk the block device name. : efscopy is more efficient in character form. 4. ...expect to see... reading 9999 nodes..10%..20%...90%..done writing 99999 nodes..10%..20%...90%..done lastalloc/maximum=99999 block delta -1
----------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Restoring a Local efscopy File to Disk ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage Notes: * End User - Restore an option disk. * Manufacturing - SGI Manufacturing has used efscopy to multiple targets, using an expansion box of SCSI drives for up to 4 different disks, and the only limitation on speed is the I/O rate. Disk Drive Depiction: SOURCE FILE TARGET DEVICE +--------+ +--------+ |scsi 0,1| |scsi 0,2| +--------+ +--------+ IRIX runs here * unmounted * /sbin/efscopy * efscopy file --------> /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 Prerequisites: * efscopy will copy from a previously generated efscopy file to a Target Device. You will need the efscopy executable. * You need "root" privileges to execute these steps. * The Target Device must be unmounted, so no programs can be running on that filesystem (Target Device) or any shell currently accessing it. * In this example, we have a system disk and an option disk. System disk is running IRIX OS Option disk is /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 mounted on /d2 A "df -k" shows: Filesystem Type kbytes use avail %use Mounted on /dev/root efs 20027 11706 8321 58% / /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 efs 961845 272371 689494 28% /d2 * You have verified that there is enough physical capacity on the Target Device to contain all the bytes of the efscopy file. "ls -l" on the efscopy file and examine the number of bytes of the efscopy file. Compare this number with the "kbytes" column for the drive. The efscopy file byte size must be less than kbytes*1024. * WARNING: EFSCOPY WILL COMPLETELY ERASE ANY PREVIOUS DATA YOU HAVE ON YOUR TARGET DEVICE. PROCEED ONLY IF YOU HAVE ARCHIVED ANY DATA THAT NEEDS SAVING. Steps: 1. <su> You need it for the umount. 2. Note that the disk drive partition is not being changed here. This example shows an attempt to restore to a Target Device originally partitioned as Partition 7 (dks0d2s7). Also this example assumes that the efscopy file was previously created from this matching partition 7. Reference fx(1) if you want to re-partition your disk drive. 3. umount /d2 (if it isn't already umounted) : If you encounter "device busy", make sure no : access to this filesystem is still active. : Try the -k kill option if necessary: : "umount -k /d2" or try "fuser(1)" WARNING: THE FOLLOWING STEP WILL ERASE ALL DATA ON YOUR DISK (partition 7)! # mkfs /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 # mkfs -r /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 # efscopy -v /usr/d2.efscopy /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 : -v for verbose mode. Use it. : Note the use of rdsk or the character device : name instead of dsk the block device name. : efscopy is more efficient in character form. Explanation of the two "mkfs" - efscopy enforces strict requirements for usage. efscopy takes lost+found directory into account. That is, it requires that the filesystem have exactly 2 inodes in use (inode 2 for . and 3 for lost+found) and that 21 blocks be in use: 1 for the . directory block and 20 for the lost+found directory block. Thus the two mkfs are back to back. 4. ...expect to see... reading 9999 nodes..10%..20%...90%..done writing 99999 nodes..10%..20%...90%..done lastalloc/maximum=99999 block delta -1 5. Run "fsck -y" on the filesystem. "mount -c" or reboot will also invoke fsck. If you attempt to mount this filesystem without fsck you will get a "Dirty Filesystem" message.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Restoring a Remote efscopy File to a Local Disk ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage Notes: * Manufacturing - make a master copy of the system disk. SGI Manufacturing has used efscopy to multiple targets, using an expansion box of SCSI drives for up to 4 different disks, and accessing the efscopy file over the network. * System Test - make a copy of the system disk before running your test suites. * Tradeshow - make a copy of the master system disk, so that you can duplicate it for each Lab machine. What we did in one trade show was set aside 4 machines to efscopy from the master disk over the Trade Show network. Thus in much shorter time than expected, 20 system disks were duplicated. The slow part of this was really the manual task of taking a disk drive from one machine and placing it into another machine as a Target Device. Disk Drive Depiction: |========== LOCAL MACHINE ==========| |==MASTER MACHINE==| | TARGET DEVICE | | remote | +--------+ +--------+ | | | |scsi 0,1| |scsi 0,2| | | | +--------+ +--------+ | | | | | | | IRIX runs here * unmounted | | | * /sbin/efscopy /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 <-NFS->| efscopy file | Prerequisites: For this example, there are 2 machines, one named "local" and the other is named "master". Both machines are connected on your local network. On the "master" machine: 1. You have previously generated a efscopy file of a disk image that you have determined to be worth restoring or duplicating onto other disks. Ensure you have root privileges on this machine. % su # 2. The intend is to make this efscopy file, accessible by anyone in the local area network. Export the directory where this file resides. In this example, this file is on /disk3/5.3master.efscopy (man exportfs(1) for reference) # ...add this line to your /etc/exports file /disk3 -ro # exportfs -a On the "local" machine: 1. efscopy will copy from a previously generated efscopy file to a Target Device. You need a copy of the efscopy executable. 2. You need "root" privileges to execute these steps. 3. The Target Device must be unmounted, so no programs can be running on that filesystem (Target Device) or any shell currently accessing it. 4. In this example, we have a system disk and an option disk. System disk is running IRIX OS Option disk is /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 mounted on /d2 A "df -k" shows: Filesystem Type kbytes use avail %use Mounted on /dev/root efs 20027 11706 8321 58% / /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 efs 961845 272371 689494 28% /d2 5. Is the "master" machine's /disk3 directory NFS mounted? If not, try this mount command: (man fstab(4), mount(1) for reference) # mkdir /disk3 :not needed if /disk3 is already created # mount -v -t nfs -o "ro,bg,soft,intr 0 0" master:/disk3 /disk3 6. Verify that there is enough physical capacity on the Target Device to contain the entire efscopy file. "ls -l" on the efscopy file and examine the number of bytes of the efscopy file. # ls -l /disk3/* Compare this number with the "kbytes" column for the drive, the efscopy file byte size must be less than kbytes*1024. WARNING: EFSCOPY WILL COMPLETELY ERASE ANY PREVIOUS DATA ON THE TARGET DEVICE. PROCEED ONLY IF THIS DATA IS EXPENDABLE OR HAS BEEN ARCHIVED. Steps: 1. <su> You need it for the following steps. 2. Note that the disk drive partition is not being changed here. This example shows an attempt at restoring to a Target Device originally partitioned as Partition 7 (dks0d2s7). This example assumes that the efscopy file was previously created from this matching partition 7. Reference fx(1) for instructions on re-partitioning the disk drive. 3. umount /d2 (if it isn't already umounted) : If you encounter "device busy", make sure no : access to this filesystem is still active. : Try the -k kill option if necessary: : "umount -k /d2" or try "fuser(1)" WARNING: THE FOLLOWING STEP WILL ERASE ALL DATA ON THE DEVICE # mkfs /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 # mkfs -r /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 # efscopy -v /disk3/master5.3.efscopy /dev/rdsk/dks0d2s7 : -v for verbose mode. Use it. : Note the use of rdsk or the character device : name instead of dsk the block device name. : efscopy is more efficient in character form. 4. ...expect to see... reading 9999 nodes..10%..20%...90%..done writing 99999 nodes..10%..20%...90%..done lastalloc/maximum=99999 block delta -1 5. Run "fsck -y" on the filesystem. "mount -c" or reboot will also invoke fsck. If you attempt to mount this filesystem without fsck you will get a "Dirty Filesystem" message. ************************************************************************ SGI DISCLAIMER: USE THIS SOFTWARE AND THE STEPS DESCRIBED HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK. SGI IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY UNEXPECTED RESULTS THAT MAY ARISE FROM YOUR DECISION TO USE THIS SOFTWARE AND/OR THIS INFORMATION. ************************************************************************